IMR: People: Debbie

[ Debbie ]  
Sasaki, Debra D.
Aliases: Debbie
Website: None

Debbie worked briefly as a Programs Assistant at PBEC (where I worked from October 1998 to February 2003). Even in those few months, though, she made a wonderful impression on me, and I became a bit of an 'enabler' as far as her addiction to English corgies and penguins were concerned. When she was whisked away by the shrimp program at the Oceanic Institute, she still kept in touch.

In the summer of 2002, she and I (and a few other former downtown coworkers, including Baron and Bre) were sucked into the fantastic vortex that was Lacene's unexpected bid for the State Senate.

© Ryan Kawailani Ozawa · E-Mail: · Created: 10 July 2002 · Last Modified: 26 February 2003