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April 29, 2006
Spam Jam
Lovely Spam, Wonderful Spam! People in Hawaii love their Spam, and consume more of the stuff per capita than any other U.S. state. So of course we celebrate our love of everyone's favorite "mystery meat" with an annual celebration known as the Waikiki Spam Jam. Kalakaua Avenue becomes the center of all things Spam, from dozens of Spam dishes to Spam merchandise to wandering Spam mascots. Music is "Honolulu Shuffle" from The Ukulele Experiment by Kaimoku.You can also view this video at YouTube, Blip.TV, or Google Video. Directly download the above Quicktime movie (240x180/26MB) file, a larger version (320x240/142MB), or the iPod-optimized file (MP4/22MB) here, courtesy the Internet Archive. The MP4 served up in the feed is here.
Tags: hawaii, vlog, videoblog, videopodcast, spam, spamjam, waikiki, festival, blockparty, food http://www.lightfantastic.org/imr/extras/videoblog/content/2006/spamjam.mov
Posted by Ryan at 11:16 PM | Comments (2)
April 9, 2006
HawaiiThreads Picnic
Posted for Videoblogging Week 2006. I run a discussion forum dedicated to Hawaii called HawaiiThreads.com, where talkstory about anything and everything is always the special of the day. Today, the site celebrated its second birthday, and some of the regulars (and irregulars) gathered at Kakaako Waterfront Park for a picnic. Food, folks, and fun as they say.Music is "Waiting for Luck to Come" from Waiting For Luck to Come, courtesy Wilfred N and the Grown Men.
You can also view this video at YouTube, Blip.TV, or Google Video. Directly download the above Quicktime movie (240x180/25MB) file, a larger version (320x240/142MB), or the iPod-optimized file (MP4/21MB) here, courtesy the Internet Archive. The MP4 served up in the feed is here.
Tags: hawaii, vlog, videoblog, videopodcast, videobloggingweek2006, picnic, potluck, park, ocean, food http://www.lightfantastic.org/imr/extras/videoblog/content/2006/hawaiithreadspicnic.mov
Posted by Ryan at 10:12 PM | Comments (4)
April 8, 2006
Auto Show
Posted for Videoblogging Week 2006. The family and I check out the annual auto show at the Hawaii Convention Center. Classic cars, and concept cars, and everything in between.Music is "Fast Cars" from Plethora by MRDC (Magnatune).
You can also view this video at YouTube, Blip.TV, or Google Video. Directly download the above Quicktime movie (240x180/34MB) file, a larger version (320x240/191MB), or the iPod-optimized file (MP4/29MB) here, courtesy the Internet Archive. The MP4 served up in the feed is here.
Tags: hawaii, vlog, videoblog, videopodcast, videobloggingweek2006, cars, carshow, autos, autoshow, trucks, classiccars, newcars http://www.lightfantastic.org/imr/extras/videoblog/content/2006/autoshow.mov
Posted by Ryan at 10:50 PM | Comments (1)
April 7, 2006
Aloha Friday
Posted for Videoblogging Week 2006. To end the work week, I talk a bit about the history and popularity of "aloha wear," and survey some of the fashion of downtown Honolulu. Thanks to vlogger Roxanne of Beach Walks with Rox for suggesting today's topic.Music is "Lagoon (Baba)" from Gravity by Artemis (Magnatune).
You can also view this video at YouTube, Blip.TV, or Google Video. Directly download the above Quicktime movie (240x180/21MB) file, a larger version (320x240/134MB), or the iPod-optimized file (MP4/18MB) here, courtesy the Internet Archive. The MP4 served up in the feed is here.
Tags: hawaii, vlog, videoblog, videopodcast, videobloggingweek2006, friday, fashion, aloha, alohawear, alohashirt, hawaiian, hawaiianshirt http://www.lightfantastic.org/imr/extras/videoblog/content/2006/alohafriday.mov
Posted by Ryan at 8:42 PM | Comments (5)
April 6, 2006
Magic Island
Posted for Videoblogging Week 2006. Inspired by yesterday's vlog by Roxanne of Beach Walks with Rox, I head down to Magic Island at Ala Moana Beach Park. Magic Island is a popular park for locals and visitors alike, with wide open spaces, lots of shade, placid waters, and a great view of Waikiki and Diamond Head. This week, though, the park has been taken over for the Honolulu Centennial Celebration, rescheduled to this weekend after recent heavy rains and flooding postponed just about everything in Hawaii. As crews set up for the festivities, a few people enjoy the park, and several Japanese couples take their Hawaii wedding photos. Enjoy, but don't go in the water.Extra special thanks to Wilfred N and the Grown Men for providing the music for today's video. The song, "I Never Get Tired of You," can be found on their album, Waiting for Luck To Come, available online.
You can also view this video at YouTube, Blip.TV, or Google Video. Directly download the above Quicktime movie (.MOV) file, a larger version (320x240/158MB), or the iPod-optimized file (MP4/21MB) here, courtesy the Internet Archive. The MP4 served up in the feed is here.
Tags: hawaii, vlog, videoblog, videopodcast, videobloggingweek2006, park, carnival, bride, groom http://www.lightfantastic.org/imr/extras/videoblog/content/2006/magicisland.mov
Posted by Ryan at 8:18 PM | Comments (1)
April 5, 2006
Pali Lookout
I hit the road to check out the Nuuanu Pali lookout point, perched high in the Ko`olau mountain range overlooking the windward side of O`ahu. Posted for Videoblogging Week 2006. There wasn't too much danger, but there was a fair amount of wind, and a few warning signs.Music is "Steps" from Fall Submissions by AntiGuru (Magnatune).
You can also view this video at YouTube, Blip.TV, or Google Video. Directly download the above Quicktime movie (.MOV) file, a larger version (320x240/158MB), or the iPod-optimized file (MP4/21MB) here, courtesy the Internet Archive. The MP4 served up in the feed is here.
Tags: hawaii, vlog, videoblog, videopodcast, videobloggingweek2006, pali, lookout, scenic, cliffs, mountains, tourists http://www.lightfantastic.org/imr/extras/videoblog/content/2006/palilookout.mov
Posted by Ryan at 7:56 PM | Comments (1)
April 4, 2006
Fort Street Mall
A top-to-bottom tour of Fort Street Mall in downtown Honolulu. Posted for Videoblogging Week 2006. A walk isn't particularly dangerous, but I did encounter a police cruiser, ambulance, and fire truck along the way. Note the PDA-toting Catholic bishop.Music is "Hypno" from Gravity by Artemis (Magnatune).
You can also view this video at YouTube, Blip.TV, or Google Video. Directly download the above Quicktime movie (.MOV) file, a larger version (320x240/158MB), or the iPod-optimized file (MP4/21MB) here, courtesy the Internet Archive. The MP4 served up in the feed is here.
Tags: hawaii, vlog, videoblog, videopodcast, videobloggingweek2006, downtown, honolulu, alohatower http://www.lightfantastic.org/imr/extras/videoblog/content/2006/fortstreet.mov
Posted by Ryan at 9:10 PM | Comments (2)
April 3, 2006
A noontime snapshot of Chinatown in downtown Honolulu. Posted for Videoblogging Week 2006, Day One.While the theme is "The Year of Vlogging Dangerously," the most dangerous this vlog will get is probably in the introduction to this video, as I stand in the middle of Hotel Street. (Notice how I spin to eye an approaching bus.) Hey, for a geek like me, being outdoors qualifies as pushing my limits.
Music is "Night or Day" from Waiting for Dawn by Memories of Tomorrow (Magnatune).
You can also view this video at YouTube, Blip.TV, or Google Video. Directly download the above Quicktime movie (.MOV) file, a larger version (320x240/87MB), or the iPod-optimized file (MP4/13MB) here, courtesy the Internet Archive. The MP4 served up in the feed is here.
UPDATE: Talk about a short memory. I just realized that I previously vlogged Chinatown last April, in fact. Maybe it'll become an annual tradition... whether I intend it to be or not.
Tags: hawaii, vlog, videoblog, videopodcast, videobloggingweek2006, chinatown, downtown, honolulu http://www.lightfantastic.org/imr/extras/videoblog/content/2006/chinatown.mov
Posted by Ryan at 10:54 PM | Comments (3)