This long-overdue entry is, believe it or not, still under construction.
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Sharon Ishida finally escapes after 27 years of dealing with student journalists... to be a full-time grandma. | Paula Akana and Tina Shelton were co-emcees, here with Mark Matsunaga of the Honolulu Advertiser. |
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Ruth Shiroma "networks" with Honolulu Advertiser web guru Sandra Oshiro. | Kim Murakawa reunites with the old Honolulu Advertiser crew. |
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Ka Leo veteran Paul Philpott with his wife and their friend Jay. | Councilman Jon Yoshimura, a journalist turned politician, pays tribute. |
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Sharon is presented with the traditional sendoff "plate," the first post-split. | Elvis presents Sharon with roundtrip tickets to Graceland. |
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The bi-annual employee picnic for Hawaii National Bank. | The ever popular "egg toss" contest. The prize? Toilet paper. |
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Mom prepares to scale the "X-Treme" rock climber. | Mom ultimately makes Spiderman look like an amateur. |
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Katie and grandma take a break from the fun. | Katie takes a turn at the keiki ring toss. |
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At this "pond," you always catch something. | Kids scramble for coins what a scene. |
And since I should be packing right now, it might not get done in the near future. For now, you can at least check out the accompanying photos (and the fancy new photo setup!)... and if you want to know when I get my act back together, consider joining the