Kindred souls in, from, and recently passing through the islands.
Geocachers in Hawai`i (as registered at include:
27jools , Bubba, Bean & Makana , Copper Indian , DadWrap , Encleadus (Justin), Erasettes (Beth), Gerty , Goolien , Hapawilson , HawaiianMum , HawaiianPEZ , Healani , Ho`ohuli , Island Roamer , Javalas (Team JAVALAS), Jessohyes (Jess Williams), K618 , KailuaSquid , Kaimi , Karl360 (Karl & Robyn), Kawaipoo , Konagold , Kong , Lali , Leahi , Mi-chan , HikerMike (Mike Gawley), MililaniDave , Neon Umber and Vixen , POL_Don , Rampage , Red Dragon , RichFuel , Rimshot , Ryanozawa (Kawailani), Team Hawaii00 (JJ), Team Haole , Team Seven27 (The Tick , Tita and Trango ), The Beys (Scott, Adrienne, Levi, & Noah Bey), The Monkey Team (Thomas & Seiko Wang), Tim Billings , TmyTkr , Train to Lead (The Professional), Woody67 (The Smith Family), Yellow Bug
Geocachers headquartered elsewhere but who are regular visitors to (or keepers of geocaches in) Hawai`i include:
Alkapukalup (South Florida), Coralgeo (Santa Cruz, California), GeoQuest (Arizona), GPSCityJeff (Las Vegas, Nevada), Harry & Victor Robbins (Ohio), HiHAT (Texas), Kablooey (San Jose, California), MrGrubstake (Montana), Peterpan87 (Texas), Rib (California), sazmeister (North Carolina)
GPS Hawaii has no formal membership. To be added to this list, register at , then e-mail us with your username or other profile information. Deletions and corrections are also welcome.